Networking im Weissen Wind

Networking im Weissen Wind

Networking im Weissen Wind

Networking im Weissen Wind

Einführungsreferat von Agnieszka Korczak: Communication - A Double-Edged Sword

Einführungsreferat Agnieszka Korczak

Thema: Communication - A Double-Edged Sword

Good communication is key, they say. But in international business, it can also be the key that unlocks...well, Pandora's box! Even with English as our global lingua franca, it’s astonishingly easy to step on cultural landmines—sometimes without even realizing it. A misplaced joke here, an awkward pause there, and suddenly, you’re watching a million-dollar deal slip through your fingers or, worse, your career hitting an unexpected speed bump.

BPW-Member Agnieszka Korczak, for the past 16 years, have been deep in the trenches of quality assurance with investment banks and asset managers across various countries. Along the way, she gathered enough tales of communication misadventures to fill a book—or at least a very entertaining presentation.

She will share some of those stories, insights, and tips on how to navigate the murky waters of cultural differences in communication. By the end, you’ll be better equipped to wield the double-edged sword of communication, cutting through confusion and forging stronger, more successful connections with your diverse teams.

(Das Referat wird auf Englisch gehalten)

ab 18.00 Uhr Apero
ab 18.45 Uhr Vortrag
anschliessend Nachtessen

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Fotomaterial: Während der Veranstaltungen werden Fotos gemacht und auf LinkedIn geteilt. Bei explizitem Wunsch, nicht auf Fotos zu erscheinen, bitten wir Sie, direkt auf die Fotografin zuzugehen.

Anmeldeschluss: Sonntag, 24.11.2024

Dienstag, 24.09.2024, 12:00 Uhr, bei Renate Schuh, 079 828 27 79,

Weisser Wind
Oberdorfstrasse 20
8001 Zürich

Datum 27.11.2024 - 18:00 bis 21:00 Uhr
Kategorie BPW Club Zürich 
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